Are you ready to teach your students how to add 8 to a single digit number? Then, let’s get hopping!
Just as with The 9 Rule, I created two different resources for teaching The 8 Rule addition fact strategy. Both resources are based on making a ten. The first resource, which includes a free sample, demonstrates in a hands-on way how and why you can Make a 10 to Add 8. It focuses on subtracting two from the other addend.
The second resource, which correlates with my anchor charts, flashcards, and all my other materials for The 8 Rule, teaches how to change 8 to 10, add, and then subtract two from the sum.
Pick the method that works best for you and your students. Or teach both ways. These resources include the verbal cues, “See 8. Think 10. Hop back 2.”, along with two frogs as a visual cue.
One Way to Introduce the Add 8 Strategy
Use this free concrete introductory activity to demonstrate how and why this strategy works. Be sure your students are fluent with adding 10 to a single digit number and counting back two from a given number. They should also be familiar with The 9 Rule addition fact strategy.
Teach this activity by modeling it in a small group or projecting it for a whole class.
Prep It
- Choose to print the color or black/ white pages.
- Decide if students will work individually or with a partner.
- Print one open-ended cube mat for each student or pair of students. Use card stock and laminate for durability.
- Print one teacher copy of the equation cards.
- Give each student or pair of students 2 sets of 10 multi-link cubes (the ones that link on all sides) in 2 different colors.
Teach It
- Pick an equation card.
- Use two colors of cubes to show the numbers in the equation on your mat.
- Write the equation on your mat.
- Verbalize: See 8. Think 10.
- What can we do to make the 8 a 10?
- Model moving two cubes from the addend that is not 8 to the rod with 8 to Make It Ten.
- Write the new Add 10 equation.
- Which equation is easier to add?
- Point out that you still have the same number of total cubes and the two equations are equal or equivalent.
- Repeat with multiple equations.
Write on the laminated mats with dry erase markers. To reuse mats that are not laminated, write the equations on a separate piece of paper or a dry erase board.
After you have introduced this activity, it can be repeated independently in a math station.
Click on the highlighted words, The 8 Rule Addition Fact Strategy Sample, to download this free resource from my Teachers Pay Teachers store.
Looking For More Add 8 Resources?
This free activity will provide enough understanding for some of your students to apply this strategy to Add 8 to single digit numbers. Other students will require varying amounts of practice and review to be successful.
I crafted a more complete set of activities, The 8 Rule Addition Fact Strategy, to help meet their needs. This set is also based on subtracting two (or hopping back) from the second addend to change the 8 to a 10 and then adding to find the sum. The spotlight is on recognizing the equivalent Add 8 and Add 10 equations.
There are two additional concrete level activities in this set. Try the equation cube mats in teacher-directed small groups or in a math center.
Use two colors of linking cubes or print the number strips/ rods to show equivalent Add 8 and Add 10 equations in a linear or cube train format.
Give practice, at a pictorial level, with the matching cube cards and an optional recording sheet.
For even more practice, use the worksheet as morning work, seat work, or homework.
Applying The 8 Rule correlates with my other resources for this addition fact strategy. This set of activities is based on changing the 8 to a 10. Adding and then subtracting (or hopping back) 2 from the sum. Your students follow specific steps to find the sum.
Engage your students with the hands-on practice activities for changing the 8 to 10 using equation cards along with fun frog number cards. I used three copies of the same equation card to illustrate the steps in the process. Your students will just need one!
Give structured step-by-step practice in implementing the strategy with the follow-up worksheets.
Before You Go…
Browse through the Addition & Subtraction resources in my TpT store. You’ll find anchor charts, flashcards, worksheets, and more!
Click the highlighted words to read more blog posts about addition fact strategies.
Let me know, in the comments below, about any struggles you’ve experienced with teaching your students the addition fact strategies.
Title photo image is by yod67.
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